baby boy in NICU receiving treatment

The gift of being close

When Colin was born 13 weeks early on October 26, weighing only 1 pound, 6 ounces, Paul and Kate Smith were scared. Although their oldest son, Grant, was born prematurely, this was different. Colin would be in the hospital for a long time and there was no way they wanted to be far from him.
Paul and Kate were familiar with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas, but they didn’t realize how much RMHC CTX would care for them and all their basic needs. Once they were settled at the Ronald McDonald House, they had everything they needed – a comfortable room, daily meals, and a supportive community. All those things they didn’t think about as they faced having a premature baby and the prospect of being away from home for an extended period of time. Knowing their family was being cared for at RMHC CTX, Paul and Kate could concentrate on Colin’s care. Things with Colin changed minute by minute and staying across the street from the hospital was a blessing as they were a five minute walk away from him and his medical care.
Soon Halloween gave way to Thanksgiving and the holidays were upon them and the Smiths realized they would be spending Christmas at RMHC CTX. So they always stayed connected to Colin even when they were back at the House, they placed a tiny lighted Christmas tree in his NICU window. From their room at the House, they could look across the parking lot, see the window where their baby was and that little tree with its tiny lights. They could see inside, see the nurses and immediately be comforted. They felt like they were as close as they could be to him, always.
Having their family together for three months and close to Colin while he was hospitalized made a meaningful difference for Paul and Kate. They were surrounded with comfort and care which made a difficult situation a thousand times easier for them. Most importantly, they were always close and connected to their baby. Truly a wonderful a holiday gift.
To make a gift to support families like Colin’s this holiday season, click here.