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Our History

Always growing thanks to dedicated volunteers, generous donors and committed staff


The very first Ronald McDonald House opens on October 15, 1974 in Philadelphia with the help of Dr. Audrey Evans, a pediatric oncologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

February 13, 1985

With eight bedrooms and a staff of one, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Austin and Central Texas opens its doors and begins providing lodging and services to families with critically ill and injured children.


The Ronald McDonald House moves to 15th Street and Trinity and expands to 13 rooms. This year, RMHC Austin also hosts the first Bandana Ball at the Austin Opera House. Over 500 people attended the inaugural event and $68,000 was raised to support RMHC Austin’s program.


RMHC Austin begins helping families who have lost children through the Healing Hearts program.


In December, the new Ronald McDonald House opens next door to Dell Children’s Medical Center and more than doubled in capacity. The new 30,000 square foot building features 30 guest suites, and is the first Platinum LEED RMH in the world.


Friends of the House, a network of passionate young professionals dedicated to helping families served by RMHC Austin, is formed. Through networking, fundraising, and volunteerism, Friends of the House is raising the bar for young professional philanthropy in Austin.

May 2009

The first Ronald McDonald Family Room in Austin opens at St. David’s Women’s Center of Texas.

September 2011

The second Ronald McDonald Family Room opens at Dell Children’s Medical Center with two sleep rooms.

July 2012

Austin’s third Ronald McDonald Family Room with four sleep rooms opens at St. David’s Medical Center.


RMHC Austin officially becomes Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas (RMHC CTX).

February 2015

RMHC CTX celebrated its 30th birthday at the Ronald McDonald House. Community friends, partners, volunteers and former families joined the celebration as we honored our heritage and three decades of caring for families with hospitalized children.

May 2015

The Ronald McDonald Family Room at Seton Medical Center is the fourth Family Room to open in Central Texas and has four sleep rooms.

May 2015

RMHC CTX officially announces expansion of our services in the Brazos Valley.

March 2016

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas celebrates the opening of its fifth Ronald McDonald Family Room at CHI St. Joseph Health Regional Hospital with two sleep rooms.
RMHC CTX launches the Healing Hearts program in Brazos Valley and unveils the Healing Hearts memorial garden at St. Thomas Episcopal Church.

July 2016

RMHC CTX launches the Healing Hearts program in Brazos Valley and unveils the Healing Hearts memorial garden at St. Thomas Episcopal Church.

August 2016

The Ronald McDonald Family Room expands at St. David’s Women’s Center of Texas by adding four sleep rooms.


Our Happy Wheels Cart program launches in Austin at Dell Children’s Medical Center and St. David’s North Austin Medical Center. 

January 2018

A second Ronald McDonald Family Room opens at College Station Medical Center in the Brazos Valley with two sleep rooms.

May 2023

RMHC CTX celebrates the opening of the Ronald McDonald Family Room at Dell Children’s Medical Center North Campus with a ribbon cutting ceremony. This is the seventh Ronald McDonald Family Room in Central Texas to support families with critically ill and injured children.
TCH Ribbon Cutting

October 2024

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas (RMHC CTX) celebrated the launch of our seventh Happy Wheels Cart in the Central Texas area, located at Texas Children’s Hospital North Austin Campus. Our Happy Wheels Carts are now serving seven hospitals in the region.