Staying at RMHC CTX
Our House is your home
From the moment you enter our doors, we want your family to be comfortable. But most importantly, we want to provide you the comfort and support you need so you can focus on the most important thing — your child.
Staying at the Ronald McDonald House
To stay at the Ronald McDonald House, families must:
- Have a patient 21 years or younger that’s being treated at a Central Texas hospital.
- Children under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by their parent or a legal guardian
- Live more than 25 miles from the Ronald McDonald House located on 1315 Barbara Jordan Blvd. Austin, TX 78723
If you meet these qualifications, the next steps require you to:
- Obtain a referral from your child’s assigned hospital case manager/social worker – A referral is not a “reservation” and does not guarantee availability; all referrals are submitted to RMHC CTX.
RMHC CTX conducts a formal criminal history background check on all individuals applying for temporary residence at RMHC CTX. The safety of all Ronald McDonald House (RMH) families is very important to us. RMHC CTX reserves the right to refuse admittance to any potential resident or guest with a criminal conviction. RMHC CTX does not admit anyone with a criminal felony conviction that may threaten the health, safety, welfare, and ability of other individuals to peacefully enjoy the RMH (e.g., violent crimes, domestic violence, child abuse, sex offenses, illegal drug activity, burglary and/or theft). RMHC CTX also will not admit any individual who provides false, incomplete, or misleading responses during the formal criminal history background check. RMHC CTX also reserves the right to expel a guest for any other inappropriate, irresponsible, or criminal behavior that takes place while temporarily residing at the RMH. - Wait for a confirmation – Once the referral is received, you will be contacted by RMHC CTX to discuss your request for accommodations.
- Check Availability – Because we are unable to take reservations, you must call 24 hours prior to your arrival date. While we make every effort, we may not be able to accommodate your family. If this is the case, we can provide you with alternative arrangement information.
- Obtain a referral from your child’s assigned hospital case manager/social worker – A referral is not a “reservation” and does not guarantee availability; all referrals are submitted to RMHC CTX.
Staying at our House –A $20 per night donation is requested and the first night’s stay is requested upon check-in. However, no family is turned away due to an inability to pay. If you have been referred by Medicaid, you must contact the Medicaid office to ensure RMHC CTX receives payment for your stay. More information will be provided at check in. Visit the map for directions to the Ronald McDonald House.
Check-In Procedure
- Families will be given a check-in appointment time. If check-in cannot occur during this time, please contact the RMHC CTX office at (512) 472-9844.
- All adults staying at the Ronald McDonald House must present photo IDs and complete the registration process prior to receiving accommodations.
- Upon check-in, families will receive our Guidelines and Expectations and a task check out list that must be completed. All families are required to sign a Compliance Agreement indicating their acknowledgment of our Guidelines and Expectations.
- New families are required to watch a check-in orientation video and will tour the Ronald McDonald House. Click here to view images of the Ronald McDonald House.
Check-Out Procedure
- Upon a child’s discharge from the hospital, families must visit the RMHC CTX office and begin the check out process prior to leaving.
- Families must complete the check out tasks noted in the Welcome Booklet; tasks include thoroughly cleaning the room, vacuuming and dusting, cleaning the bathroom and emptying wastebaskets.
- Room keys and key fobs must be returned to the front desk. If keys or fobs are lost, there will be a $10 charge per key.
- A suggested donation of $20 per night is encouraged upon check out.
- The Ronald McDonald House does not have a housekeeping department. All families are required to clean and maintain their rooms on a regular basis. The expectations and House rules are explained upon check in.
Virtual Tour
- View a virtual tour of our House here.
Visiting the Ronald McDonald Family Room
The Ronald McDonald Family Rooms are available and free to families with children in the neonatal and pediatric intensive care units in Austin at Dell Children’s Medical Center, St. David Medical Center, St. David’s Women’s Center of Texas and Seton Medical Center Austin. Ronald McDonald Family Rooms are also available in the Brazos Valley at CHI St. Joseph Health in Bryan, Texas, and College Station Medical Center in College Station, Texas.
The Family Room at Dell Children’s Medical Center has two sleeping rooms; the Family Room located at St. David’s Medical Center has four sleeping rooms; Seton Medical Center Austin has four sleeping rooms and our Family Room at CHI St. Joseph Health has two sleeping rooms available for eligible families. To stay in a Family Room sleeping room:
- Families must have a child in the hospital where the Family Room is located
- Families must speak with their nurse or social worker who will determine the family’s eligibility to stay in a sleeping room

Make a Room Donation
Your small donation makes a big difference. Every day families walk in our doors needing a place to stay near their hospitalized children. Your donation today pays for a room at Austin’s Ronald McDonald House for one family tonight. Donate today to make the difference for the next family who walks in our doors.